Blog Post

3 Great Tips For Increasing Workplace Productivity

  • By Administrator
  • 15 Oct, 2018
For any successful organization, remaining productive on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis is the key to growth. From manufacturing production jobs to cubicle office environments, if your staff is unmotivated and unproductive, your bottom line will certainly be impacted.

Increase productivity across your workplace with these essential tips:

  • Encourage your staff to take more breaks -- Taking more breaks sounds counterintuitive, doesn't it -- but it actually is great for boosting company morale and providing an uptick in employee productivity. These breaks shouldn't last longer than five or 10 minutes, however, but taking a small break from work once an hour can help your team stay focused and ready to take on the rest of the day's tasks.

  • Work with document imaging services and digital scanning services -- Approximately 7.5% of all documents get lost at some point and 3% of the remainder get misfiled. Organizations spend roughly $20 in labor to file a single document, $120 in labor to find a misfiled document and an additional $220 in labor to reproduce a document that was lost. With document imaging services, you'll be able to keep track of all your necessary documents and pieces of data and can easily access them whenever you need, effectively giving your entire company a major boost in productivity. Don't let document errors cause productivity issues across your workplace -- take advantage of document digitization services.

  • Keep every inch of your workplace clean -- Make sure your employees have an extremely clean area to work in throughout the day. Not only should their desks and individual workspaces be clean, but your entire building as a whole needs to be clean in order to maximize workplace productivity. It's easy to feel lazy and get distracted in an unclean environment, so clean up.

  • Improve your workplace lightning -- Your building needs to be well lit in order for your employees to remain happy and focused. By upgrading your building's lights and taking advantage of natural lighting, you can both reduce your organization's energy usage and boost productivity levels.

From digitally converting documents to having your employees take a few extra breaks throughout the day, these tips should give your company a massive boost in proactivity. If you want to learn more about document imaging services or find a quality service for large format scanning, give Scanning America a call right away.
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