Best-in-Class Equipment
The most modernized, advanced microfiche scanners, allow us to digitize microfiche of all types. Most microfiche scanners attempt to capture individual frames at scan time. However, they can miss frames when the film is inconsistent, which it often is. Our state-of-the-art microfiche scanners scan entire rows, including areas in between frames. We can then interactively review the results to manually capture any frames that would have been missed as well as adjust the image quality to compensate for the film density changes.
Experience Matters
With over 25 years of experience, our team of expert technicians have encountered all of the common issues related to digital microfiche conversions. No matter how big or small the project, our microfiche scanning services are specifically designed to maximize the quality and accuracy of the microfiche scanning process to ensure top-notch service.
Comprehensive Services
After the digital microfiche conversion is complete, we can index the scanned documents by matching to any existing databases such as CAR databases (Computer Aided Retrieval), by manual keying, or other methods. Some of our other services include OCR for text searchable PDF files, unitizing images into documents, and preparing images and index information for import into your ECM system.
Outsource your microfiche conversions to Scanning America for true quality you can trust. For more detailed information regarding our microfiche scanning service, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!